Title: Types of Mesothelioma Treatment & SymptomsMesothelioma is a serious disease that mainly affects those who have been exposed to asbestos. Early exposure is crucial to getting the most effective treatment. However, this can be difficult since many do not know they have mesothelioma until symptoms appear which is often up to fifty years after asbestos exposure.Mesothelioma turns cancer of the mesothelium, the membrane that surrounds the organs, including the heart, abdomen and lungs. Due to the disease, malignant tumors form along this protective lining which can obstruct the body's normal functioning. For instance, pleural mesothelioma might cause a tumor to obstruct the air passage causing difficulty breathing. It could also cause fluid to build up in the lungs which not only makes it hard to breathe but can also cause significant chest pain. If you think you could have mesothelioma, you must see a doctor to be sure. A doctor has a number of tools to correctly diagno se mesothelioma or determine if your symptoms are due to another condition. In the diagnosis stage, your doctor will start by examining the affected area with a MRI, CAT-scan or even just an X-ray. If mesothelioma is suspected after the preliminary findings, a medical oncologist will then perform a biopsy to make sure. A biopsy is performed in order to collect a small tissue-sample which does involve minor surgery. Mesothelioma treatment depends on two major factors: where the cancer is located and how far it has progressed. The types of treatment can, generally, be classified into the three categories of surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Surgery for mesothelioma involves removing all or part of the affected organs along with the lining that surrounds them. For instance, pleural mesothelioma might be treated by removing the diseased lung and part of the lining that surrounds it. There are some obvious drawbacks to this treatment, however. The first is that removin g the organ does not necessarily stop the cancerous cells from spreading. The second is that it is impossible to remove all of the mesothelium. Simply put, one cannot survive without it. Radiation therapy is another common treatment for mesothelioma. The cancer is exposed to radiation either from a machine that radiates high-energy rays or from radioactive materials that are encased and inserted next to cancerous tissue in order to shrink it. This is often combined with chemotherapy. When treating mesothelioma, chemotherapy is generally administered by way of an IV. However, researchers are looking into the effectiveness of injecting directly into the affected area. Chemotherapy is almost never the sole treatment for mesothelioma. Instead, it is often combined with both radiation therapy and surgery to help control the cancerous cells from multiplying and spreading. Treatment that combines chemotherapy, radiation and surgery is called tri-modality therapy and is the most eff ective, as well as the most invasive, care available today for those who suffer from mesothelioma.
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