Thursday, December 1, 2011

mesothelioma doctor - Health - Cancer

A mesothelioma doctor is a specialist in the rare cancer called mesothelioma which is usually caused by exposure to asbestos. It is a difficult disease to diagnose because all the obvious symptoms can be caused by other less serious conditions, so it is vital to go to the very best specialist available in order to get the most reliable diagnosis possible.

Since the disease is rare, specialists are also not commonly found in every area. However there are easy to find lists of specialists on the internet which can be very valuable in the search. Also, these lists sometimes include doctors who are looking for patients who might be suitable for trials of new approaches to treating the disease. The unique research in the field done by particular doctors is also sometimes listed.

In addition to specialists in the disease, support is offered at major cancer centers in the USA and other countries where the disease is common such as UK, Australia and Canada. The internet offers other forms of support including a wealth of available data on the disease, as well as support discussion groups and other support facilities.

It is important to be aware that the more standard treatments such as radiation therapy which might be available locally, are found to not necessarily be the most effective treatments. For example, a combination of radical surgery plus chemo and radiation therapy has been found to be far more effective than radiation therapy alone, but the surgery might only be available from a few national specialists, and not possible at a more local facility.

Your local doctor might be able to refer you to a specialist, or you can practice "self-referral". When choosing a specialist it might be wise to find out how often that specialist has performed the procedure that is recommended for you, what the results have been, and have all the details, side-effects and other factors been explained to you to your satisfaction.

A mesothelioma doctor will keep up to date with all the new research and findings about the disease.

For more relevant information see our Blog Post Mesothelioma Symptom

For more relevant information see our Blog Mesothelioma Reports

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