Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fatal Diagnosis Malignant Mesothelioma Claims The Life of Labour MP John MacDougall - Health

Labour MP John MacDougall died of Malignant Mesothlioma, caused by asbestos exposure, had again highlighted the poor prognosis of mesothelioma victims. All ex-shipyard workers are cautioned by Mesothelioma-Junction.Com to immediately consult their specialist at the first sign of what may be symptoms of mesothelioma.

Labour MP John MacDougall, Labour MP and close friend of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, sadly died at the age of 60, on 13 August 2008, within 24 months of receiving the diagnosis malignant mesothelioma.

He passed away at the Victoria Hospital, in Kilkaldy and his funeral is set for Monday 18 August 2008. He revealed in May 2007 that he had serious health problems.

After being diagnosed with asbestosis he had one lung removed at the Guy's Hospital in London.

Labour MP John MacDougall blamed his asbestos disease on his work in the shipyards in 1960's. That was before asbestos regulations were implemented globally by developed nations. The average asbestos mesothelioma victim normally lives for only 6 to 24 months after being diagnosed.

Many mesothelioma treatment options are currently available but they are yet unable to affectively heal asbestosis mesothelioma patients. This well loved politician had vowed to beat the disease and return to work, after undergoing a trial procedure to try and beat the asbestos-related cancer mesothelioma.

Labour MP John MacDougall contributed his education to the excellent technical training that Rosyth Naval Dockyard gave to its apprentices. A boilermaker by trade, he was employed for a period as an engineer in the dockyard and then in the mines. From 1964 John worked at the RGC oil rig construction yard in Methil.

His political career commenced in 1982 when he was elected to the Fife County Council.

Even though society at large has known about the dangers of asbestos exposure and asbestos poisoning for decades, industrial tycoons and government departments continued to use or produce asbestos products to sustain their profits, employment figures and/or economic growth.

However, lobbyists for asbestos toxin health concerns and regulation, eventually succeeded. So varying efficiencies of asbestos mesothelioma law was written and implemented globally.

Ship yards, boilermakers, dock yards, mining are all terms that are statistically stacked with a high level of ocupational asbestos risk.

The mesothelioma death of labour MP John MacDougall serves as yet another example in this regard.

Even a very brief asbestos exposure can lead to a range of chronic and fatal medical dispositions known as asbestos poisoning diseases.

For many years, asbestos insulation was a preferred thermal component of boilers due to its heat resistant properties.

What is asbestos and what does asbestos look like? All forms of asbestos are composed of fibers with widths less than 1 micrometer, that occur in bundles and have very long lengths. This is called fibrillar. Asbestos identify with particularly fine fibers and is sometimes also called amianthus.

So asbestos is a classification of minerals with a unique, crystalline fiber texture. The main groups are: Chrysotile ("white asbestos"), Amosite ("brown asbestos"), Crocodolite ("blue asbestos"), Tremolite (Amhibole), Anthrophyllite and Actinolite. View asbestos pictures asbestos pictures here

Why are asbestos fibers dangerous? The microscopic fibers become easily airborne. The asbestos fibers are then easily breathed in through the nose and mouth. It becomes lodged forever in the lungs or other parts of the body.

The body's immune system targets these fibers to break it down, but the body acids excreted to dissolve the asbestos always fail. The lesion caused by the asbestos fibres, is called asbestos injury.

Asbestos symptoms begin slowly and unnoticed. Since the asbestos particles are indestructible, connective scar tissue builds up around them.

It may take between 5 to 50 years for the first symptoms to appear, gradually developing into asbestosis mesothelioma (asbestos disease mesothelioma.) For Labour MP John MacDougall it took 40 years. Shortness of breath with an absence of coughing is one of the first asbestos poisoning symptoms.

If the scar tissue is allowed to develop undiagnosed, the presence of body acids causes some cells to mutate into malignant mesothelioma cancer cells.

Once asbestosis mesothelioma cancer had advanced, other organs begin to weaken from the lack of oxygen. The heart is especially vulnerable.

Occupational asbestos risk, even in modern day industry, can not be over emphasized. This matter is once again being brought to the attention of environment and health concious groups, by the sad loss of Labour MP John MacDougall.

He was a pillar in society, member of Scottish Constitutional Convention Vice-President and Treasurer of the Assembly of European Regions. He was also asked if he would act as liaison officer between the AER and the Conference of Periphereal Maritime Regions

For more information about the diagnosis malignant mesothelioma and to browse asbestos pictures, visit


Friday, March 30, 2012

How do you choose the best Mesothelioma Attorney? - Health - Cancer

There are hundreds of mesothelioma trial lawyers practicing in the United States today, but they all have different qualifications. There is no actual designation for a mesothelioma attorney or trial lawyer, any lawyer can claim to be specialist in this area and lawyer with a recognized law degree can represent you in court.

However there are lawyers who are well versed in asbestos mesothelioma related lawsuits and who have sufficient experience working on such cases, these lawyers can be referred to as being specialist in the field and you stand the best chance of getting compensated with them.

Choosing the right mesothelioma trial lawyers to represent you should start with an initial interview. Get a feel of the attorney or law firm, the gut feeling you get from meeting them, how attentive they are in listening to the specifics of your mesothelioma case will help you to determine if they are good enough for you.

You should also ask your trial lawyer the following questions at the initial interview:

How many mesothelioma and asbestosis cases has your firm handled? You want a firm that has lots of resources and plenty of experience. You should also find out if the person you are meeting with will be the attorney that will actually handle your case or will it be passed to another attorney. If it will be passed, request to meet the actual attorney you will be working with.

Are you recognized by your state Bar Association as a specialist in asbestos lawsuits? You can also contact your local bar association and ask for a list of mesothelioma trial lawyers; they will give you contact information for each attorney.

What is your success rate at trial? Although not every mesothelioma case goes to trial, it is important to know whether the lawyer you are considering has a winning track record facing the asbestos defense lawyer in court. Most mesothelioma trial lawyers will gladly tell you their track record. You can also ask for documented evidence to be sure of their claims.

How many mesothelioma asbestos cancer settlements have you handled and what amounts have you been able to secure? About half of all cases never see the inside of a courtroom because both sides agree to settle. Find out what you can expect in terms of a cancer settlement negotiation and how the asbestosis defense attorney or trial lawyer determines just compensation when negotiating a mesothelioma cancer settlement. For instance, will they ask for punitive damages in addition to medical bills?

If you ask these questions and are satisfied with the answers, chances that you have chosen the right firm is very high.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Detailed Information on Mesothelioma - Health

Malignant mesothelioma, also known as mesothelioma cancer is a deadly cancer that affects the lining of the lung (pleura), the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum), and the lining of the heart (pericardium). The most familiar type of mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma, while pericardial mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma are less frequent. Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles. The main cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, although other factors such as smoking may result in additional complications.

Smoking modern cigarettes does not seem to enlarge the risk of mesothelioma. Simian virus 40 (SV40) may act as a cofactor in the development of mesothelioma. There are five common types of mesothelioma. Four of are malignant cancers, and one is a benign condition. Pleural Mesothelioma type of mesothelioma develops in the lining of the lungs, known as the pleura. It is the most common form of malignant mesothelioma. Peritoneal Mesothelioma form of mesothelioma develops in the lining of the abdominal cavity. Pericardial Mesothelioma form of mesothelioma develops in the lining of the heart, known as the pericardium.

Testicular Mesothelioma is the infrequent type of malignant mesothelioma; to date, there have been less than 100 proof cases. Testicular mesothelioma develops in the tunica vaginalis of the testicles. Benign Mesothelioma benign form of mesothelioma most commonly develops in the pleura. This is the only form of mesothelioma for which full cure and recovery is a probable outcome, though it may be a precursor of future asbestos-related problems. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include weight loss and abdominal pain and swelling due to a buildup of fluid in the abdomen.

Other symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma may comprise bowel obstruction, blood clotting irregularities, anemia, and fever. Treatment for mesothelioma depends on the sites of the cancer, the phase of the disease, and the patient's age and normal health. Surgery is a common treatment for mesothelioma. For cancer of the pleura (pleural mesothelioma), a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy. Sometimes part of the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing, is also removed. Radiotherapy may be used as part of treatment to try to cure mesothelioma.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Asbestos Mesothelioma - Law - Patents

Around the toxic disease titled mesothelioma disease. Mesothlomia diagnosed in the nearby 3,000 fill purulent every year Americans. The only foreign effort of this human is the use of asbestos. Real tragedy is this fatal disease can be avoided. Most mesothelioma patients unknowingly unprotected to deathly asbestos dust exposure in the work.

At Bullock & Fox, Attorneys asbestos and mesothelioma, say we faculty concentration on cases of mesothelioma, the parent accompany would be careless of his sphere for the symptom and wretchedness of those who unheeded her. We someone collective an abundant collection of documents and we record a unit of experts to successfully representing mesothelioma victims and their families with their claims. We hit rebuilt solon than $ 200 million in lawsuits for clients with claims of suffering from the disease mesothelioma and asbestos lung constellation, and we can refrain you obtain business rectification you merit when you swordplay this unpardonable disease.

If you've been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you should explore your valid options. You acquire the justice to necessitate rectification from the companies that advisedly puts you and your line.

The most inferior constitute of mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma, which attacks the cancerous tissue around the lung pleura. As umpteen as cardinal proportionality of all mesothelioma identification for pleural mesothelioma. Closeness to the lung pleura is the faculty galore people mistakenly conceive of mesothelioma as lung individual, which can not be open suchlike pleural mesothelioma ("metastasis"), but the genuine place of origin of pleural tissues surrounding the lungs was not alone. There are more differences between mesothelioma and lung mansion.

After pleural mesothelioma, the incoming most vulgar type is peritoneal mesothelioma, which develops in most new cases. There is whatever informs to inform that the designation of mesothelioma is improving. Patch pericardial mesothelioma and mesotheliomas of the tunica virginals are also realizable forms of the disease, they are real rare tumors and are belike solon popular.

Histological subtype

In improver to the activity where the conformation of the angioplasty, the finding of added factors in the designation of mesothelioma is a histologic subtype of constellation. This refers to the write of cells that assail tumors. There are digit histological subtypes of mesothelioma: epithelioid mesothelioma, which attacks the cells of epithelial, sarcomatoid mesothelioma, which attacks the sarcomata's cells, and bi-physic mesothelioma, which attacks both tumor epithelial cells and sarcomata's. Name the earmark subtype is a big diagnostic constant because it affects the prospect of the disease. Mesothelioma Epitheloid jazz the soul activity rates to management, piece sarcomatoid mesothelioma has the trounce.

Spell an extraordinary upset in the unspecific population, mesothelioma is not thin among individuals elocutionary by exposure to asbestos. There are two to terzetto yard new diagnoses of mesothelioma every twelvemonth.

Danger to asbestos is the cause of the disease mesothelioma. Most mesothelioma victims unclothed to asbestos at make and were never told the dangers or specified fitting cautionary covering. Others are unprotected finished stemma members who alter bag asbestos on their covering or through national renovation projects. Unlike most additional direct lung crab, ventilation is not yet hump the drive and feeling on the incidence of mesothelioma disease, though asbestos workers who vapor are much apt to change lung individual modify writer than.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The First Three Steps to Take Following a Mesothelioma Diagnosis - Health - Cancer

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos, a material that was routinely used in various industries prior to the 1970s. There are three main types of the disease. Pleural mesothelioma, by far the most prominent form of the disease, affects the tissue lining that surrounds the lungs. It is caused by the breathing of asbestos fibers, which become lodged in the lungs and travel to the pleura, the lung lining. Pleural mesothelioma accounts for about 75 percent of mesothelioma cases.

Peritoneal mesothelioma accounts for about 20 percent of mesothelioma cases. This illness affects the tissue that lines the abdomen and is believed to be caused by the ingestion of asbestos fibers. Peritoneal mesothelioma can also affect the testicles. The third major type of mesothelioma, pericardial mesothelioma, affects the tissue that surrounds the heart.

Sadly, mesothelioma is one of the more aggressive forms of cancer. Depending on the stage at which the cancer is discovered, a mesothelioma prognosis often does not exceed one year, and many victims die within several months of their diagnosis. However, mesothelioma victims can take several steps to help themselves and their families better cope with this condition.

1. Get a Second Opinion. Diagnosing mesothelioma is difficult because of a lack of specific symptoms. The only mesothelioma symptoms a patient experiences might be coughing, difficulty breathing, dull chest pain and fatigue. These symptoms can be signs of numerous medical conditions, including pneumonia, heart disease and lung cancer. In addition, mesothelioma symptoms often appear only after the disease has achieved an advanced stage. Due to these difficulties, physicians often advise people diagnosed with mesothelioma to seek a second opinion. Another doctor can not only confirm or disconfirm the diagnosis, but may also diagnose the stage of the cancer more precisely and suggest additional treatment modalities.

2. Explore Your Treatment Options. Mesothelioma treatments are geared toward relieving pain, improving the patient's quality of life, and slowing or halting the spread of cancerous cells throughout the body. After receiving a diagnosis of mesothelioma, patients should explore all available treatment options. Doctors often recommend a combination of several procedures, such as chemotherapy with radiation and surgery. Each patient requires a unique treatment for mesothelioma that takes into account the stage of cancer as well as the patient's overall health, age, and lifestyle preferences. While some patients choose to forego treatment altogether, studies show that mesothelioma therapies do relieve mesothelioma symptoms, prolong patients' life expectancies and sometimes lead to remission.

3. Consult with a Personal Injury Lawyer. If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you should seek the advice of an experienced personal injury lawyer. This is because mesothelioma causes are typically linked to somebody's negligence or willful wrongdoing. A major cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. Such exposure was frequent several decades ago, as shipyard workers, navy personnel and construction workers routinely handled materials containing asbestos fibers. Many of them have noticed mesothelioma symptoms 50 or even 60 years after the initial exposure. Skillful mesothelioma attorneys can help them and their families hold those responsible for their asbestos exposure financially liable for the resulting emotional, physical and the costs of treatment for mesothelioma.


Monday, March 26, 2012

All about Mesothelioma - Health - Diseases and Conditions

Types of MesotheliomaAn estimated 2,000 to 3,000 peopleare diagnosed with mesotheliomain the United States each year. Themost common form ofmesothelioma is pleuralmesothelioma, which affects thelungs, although there are othertypes of mesothelioma that affectthe heart (pericardialmesothelioma) or abdominal cavity(peritoneal mesothelioma) also has informationon mesothelioma symptoms, howmesothelioma is diagnosed, thestages of mesothelioma, supportgroups, research, clinical trials, andmuch more risk factorsMesothelioma DiagnosisMesothelioma is almost alwayscaused by exposure to asbestos. Aswith most cancers, early diagnosisgreatly increases the efficacy oftreatment. Unfortunately, due tothe way it forms, mesotheliomamay not manifest until anywherebetween 30 and 40 years after theinitial exposure.Mesothelioma symptoms aregenerally non-specific andresemble the signs of morecommon illness, such as flu,bronchitis, viral pneumonia andheart disease. Some commonsymptoms include shortness ofbreath or difficulty breathing,excessive coughing, chest orabdomen pain, weight loss and lossof appetite, among many others.Usually it is the most commonsymptoms- breathing difficultiesand shortness of breath - whichprompt patients to consult withtheir doctor. It's crucial to discloseany history of exposure toasbestos, even if it occurreddecades before, as this informationcan aid doctors in their diagnosis.Such disclosure can also preventuncomfortable and expensive testsas well as making treatment moreeffective.Mesothelioma TreatmentTypically, there are three maincategories for treatment ofmesothelioma: establishedtherapies, experimentaltreatments, and holistic therapies.Often these treatments are notisolated-or used alone-but rather asa combination of treatments.Conventional MesotheliomaTreatments include therapies suchas surgery, radiation, andchemotherapy drugs such ascisplatin or alimta.Experimental MesotheliomaTreatments, such as clinical trials,hav e shown encouraging results todate. Such treatments includephotodynamic therapy, genetherapy, and immunotherapy,among others.Holistic Therapies for Mesotheliomaalso known as alternativetherapies, include methods such asmassages, acupuncture, TENStherapy, aromatherapy,meditation, and yoga. Holisticmesothelioma therapies are a wayin which to relieve the side effectsassociated with establishedtherapies.These and many other treatmentsmay be available to you at themesothelioma treatment centerwhere you are being treated,however, it is also important todiscuss all of the various optionsyou might have with your doctor.Mesothelioma and VeteransHundreds of thousands of U.S.military veterans were exposed toasbestos or products containingasbestos material during theirservice.Due to the chemical, electric, andheat resistant characteristics,asbestos was widely used by everymilitary branch prior to the 1970s.Navy Veterans were perhaps themost susceptible to mesothelioma,asbestos cancer, o r asbestos lungcancer, especially if they servedbetween the 1930s and 1970s, asnearly every ship and shipyardbuilt by the Navy was fitted withnumerous asbestos containingmaterials.Mesothelioma Legal ResourcesThe health hazards of asbestosexposure have been known as farback as the 1930s. For decades,companies have wrongfully usedasbestos and exposed workers tothe dangers of this carcinogen, withreckless disregard for theconsequences. Many of those whohave been diagnosed withmesothelioma or asbestos cancerwere needlessly exposed byanother party, often withoutknowledge of the deadly risksfaced.With that in mind, one of the mostimportant things that a person whohas been diagnosed with one ofthese diseases can and should doimmediately is contact amesothelioma attorney withconsiderable experience inmesothelioma litigation to ensurethat everything that can be doneIS being done to help them on allfronts.An important aspect of amesothelioma lawsuit is recoveryfor medical costs and lo ss ofincome: Equally important,however, is the fact that withoutsome form of punishment, many ofthese corporations who made adecision to knowingly harm theiremployees and those that usedtheir products in exchange for ahigher profit margin will not changethe way that they do business.Mesothelioma litigation may helpvictims receive compensation bythe manufacturers and distributorsof asbestos and asbestos containingproducts, as well as by companiesor other employers who knowinglyexposed their workers to asbestos.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mesothelioma and Compensation -- Who is Responsible? - Health

Compensation is the greatest factor that drives people; it is considered as the greatest motivator of all things. Yet, compensation instigates more than plain monetary satisfaction. Above all things, it can give back whatever was lost.

Such is the case with mesothelioma and compensation. People who have acquired mesothelioma deem it necessary receive the proper compensation they deserve. Why? Simply because it is not their intention to get sick with mesothelioma.

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma refers to progressive growth of malignant cells found in the mesothelium, thin sheet that covers and protects the vital organs of the body, such as the lungs.

Cancerous cells are described as malignant neoplasms. They demonstrate uncontrolled cell growth that follows no physiologic demand. When an abnormal cell is transformed by the genetic mutation of the cellular DNA, cancerous cells are formed. The cells infiltrate the tissues that surround them and gain access to lymph and blood vessels, which carry the cells to other areas of the body.

Normally, cancerous cells that develop in the mesothelium and eventually lead to mesothelioma are caused by glass-like particles that stick in the lungs. These particles come from asbestos, the common element used in building infrastructures. Asbestos is very popular in the industrial and construction field because of its high resistance against fire.

People who are exposed to asbestos have been found out to be the common patients diagnosed with mesothelioma. This is because the particles from asbestos that stick within the lungs tend to create cancerous cells. The damage caused by the process develops a disease process that triggers the growth of cancerous cells, where cell membranes are altered.

Overview of Mesothelioma and Compensation

Statistics show that nearly 80% of people afflicted with mesothelioma were working in the industrial field and construction area. Although mesothelioma is not a single disease with a single cause, the greatest common factor in developing the disease is asbestos.

Hence, society deems it necessary for these industries or employers, in general, to be responsible in providing the right compensation to their employees.

Issues on mesothelioma and compensation focus more on the privileges endowed to employees who have been sick with mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos at work. The underlying connection between mesothelioma and compensation is seen in the lawsuits filed against the employers. Generally, these legal actions are done to claim financial damages from the company, who is entirely accountable for the safety of their employees working environment and for the implementation of safety gear against such hazards as asbestos.

Compensation for mesothelioma cases usually covers medical bills and other expenses related to mesothelioma, such as loss for daily wages or inability to provide their family with the quality life due to their non-working status.

People who are generally entitled for mesothelioma compensation are those who worked in the building, custodial, construction, shipyard, and automotive industry.

To know more about mesothelioma and compensation:

1. It must be a cancer

Not everyone who had been exposed to asbestos can immediately file for mesothelioma compensation. The number factor to consider for such claims is the development of cancer. The gravity of asbestos exposure will determine the condition that states one's eligibility for mesothelioma compensation.

2. Find a good lawyer

Not all mesothelioma lawyers can help you in claiming your compensation. Moreover, most mesothelioma lawyers that render services for mesothelioma compensation charge high fees. Hence, not everybody can afford to hire a mesothelioma lawyer.

However, some lawyers are willing to provide a "no win, no pay" agreement. By the time they win the case, the lawyer shares a certain percentage on the compensation. Hence, it is best that you find a good lawyer for you to obtain the right claims for you.

3. State laws

Mesothelioma compensation may vary from one state to another. This means that the existing state laws regarding mesothelioma lawsuits will be applicable only within its jurisdiction. Hence, not all provisions stated in a certain mesothelioma compensation are applicable on the other mesothelioma cases in different states.

Indeed, mesothelioma compensation can be very helpful in answering financial problems caused by mesothelioma. Reports show that mesothelioma patients can claim as much as $3 million. So if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, file your mesothelioma compensation now.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pericardial Mesothelioma Symptoms and Misdiagnosis - Health - Medicine

Pericardial mesothelioma is a mesothelioma cancer that starts perilously close to the heart. Misdiagnosis is common, and treatment options are slim. The tumor can be benign, allowing for easier removal, or malignant - fast spreading and deadly. There are many cancers and diseases that affect the pericardial space around the heart, and pericardial mesothelioma is one of the rarest. However, it is the most common primary malignant pericardial tumor. It can also be secondary to malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Five to ten percent of all mesothelioma cases are pericardial mesothelioma, and the failure to diagnose pericardial mesothelioma early enough contributes to its low life expectancy from a few months to less than two years. The failure to detect the disease can also contribute to its statistical status. Early detection of pericardial mesothelioma provides a faint hope for prolonged survival, but only in the rarest and perhaps most medically advanced of mesothelioma cases is this possible.

Exposure to asbestos is the primary cause of pericardial mesothelioma and other mesotheliomas, such as the abdominal peritoneal mesothelioma, and the more common pleural mesothelioma of the lungs. The lungs, the abdomen and the heart are surrounded by a membrane. The cancer tumors of mesothelioma attack these membranes that are made out of mesothelium cells. If you can visualize your heart hanging within a sac, you can visual the membrane that is the subject of pericardial mesothelioma.

Pericardial mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma all involve the fluid that is retained with the membrane. This fluid is necessary for proper functioning of the heart, lungs and other vital bodily systems. Excess fluid interferes, and even halts normal organ functions. The excess fluid is what is responsible for many of the mesothelioma symptoms of pain.

Chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing, and severe sweating at night have all been recorded as symptoms of malignant pericardial mesothelioma. These are more likely to be symptomatic of a non-cancer pericardial disease such as an inflammation of the pericardium - which is called pericardiocentesis and has identical symptoms. There have been cases where a misdiagnosis of lupus and even tuberculosis turned up as being malignant pericardial mesothelioma. Secondary cancers from lung cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma and leukemia can also attack the pericardium. Malignant mesothelioma in the pericardial region is often not discovered until surgery.

To further complicate matters, a CT scan can be interpreted as fluid, rather than the malignant tumor it is. This happened in 1979 with a 17 year old boy. Computed tomography has fortunately made significant advances since 1979, but CTs, MRIs and PETs must be done quickly. Poor detection and recognition still exist, and a second and third opinion should always be pursued. A patient should persist to find the source of pain and mesothelioma symptoms whenever a physician suggests an unknown etymology.

Pericardial mesothelioma treatment is in its infancy. Research continues in the areas of combination chemotherapies to reduce mass, intracavitary chemotherapy and irradiation, vaccines, molecular therapy and other mesothelioma treatment and preventative measures. As mesothelioma cases increase, so will effective mesothelioma treatments. It may be a long time before a cure for pericardial mesothelioma and other mesotheliomas are discovered. For now, advocacy work to ban asbestos use world wide is one of the best preventative medicines for the future that even a non-scientist can pursue.

Pericardial mesothelioma is often underdiagnosed in traditional tests and not found until heart surgery. The pain of pericardial mesothelioma and other malignant mesothelioma cancers can be quite severe. If a patient has pericardial mesothelioma with severe pain, the chances of survival and mesothelioma life expectancy is under two years. In 2004 a pericardiectomy was performed on a 19 year old boy and he died soon after surgery. A case study on a 54 year old man reported in the 2008 publication of the Annals of Thoracic Cardiovacular Surgery concluded that pain been shown to be reduced with resectioning the tumor and a pericardiectomy, which removes the pericardium, or a section of the pericardium.

Pericardiectomies are used more frequently to reduce constriction. However this barely touches the surface of the disease. The surgery is risky, but as knowledge of the cancer increases, so does the effectiveness of surgery. The earlier the pericardial mesothelioma tumor is found, the less risky the surgery. Pericardial mesothelioma does not respond to radiotherapy. Chemotherapy is used to reduce the cancerous mass.


Friday, March 23, 2012

How to hire a mesothelioma cancer lawyer - Health - Diseases and Conditions

Hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer, or a lawyer who specializes in asbestos settlement claims), can be a daunting task. For that reason, we're put together a list of 5 things you should look for when hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer.

About MesotheliomaMesothelioma cancer is caused by exposure to asbestos. Typically, mesothelioma cancer, also known as asbestos poisoning, afflicts people who work with asbestos products, although it takes years to develop symptoms of illness.

Due to the fact that mesothelioma cancer takes years for the symptoms to manifest, finding a qualified attorney can mean the difference between winning an asbestos settlement (mesothelioma claim) or losing an asbestos settlement.

Here are ten things you should look for when hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer.

1. Significant victories for injury victimsSignificant victories and settlements for asbestos lung cancer victims. After all attorney's fees and expenses are paid, mesothelioma injury victims should expect to receive out of court mesothelioma settlement awards of close to one million dollars or more. These out of court settlements for injury, even though they may seem large, save the companies who are paying them significant amounts of money that would be spent on long, drawn out court cases for mesothelioma injury victims.

2. Personal attention for victimsSuffering the affects of mesothelioma injury can be difficult enough, without having the additional stress of deciding which mesothelioma cancer lawyer to use. Finding an attorney that offers personal attention should be at the top of the list for asbestos poisoning victims.

3. The best mesothelioma cancer lawyers answer questionsThe best mesothelioma lawyer will answer your questions. Before hiring a mesothelioma attorney, ask them these questions: How many injury victims have you personally represented? Out of these injury cases, how many received an out of court settlement? How many went to trial? What was the average claims settlement received? Does the mesothelioma attorney handle the case himself, or pass it on to another lawyer or law firm specializing in mesothelioma cases for part of the fee? Are there initial costs for attorney fees and preparation of a lawsuit? If so, how much?4. No fee consultation for injury victimA mesothelioma cancer lawyer worth looking at is one who charges a no fee consultation, meaning that he will meet with the mesothelioma injury victim, conduct an interview and, perhaps, follow up interviews, along with filling out paperwork, in order to get an idea if there is enough evidence to file a mesothelioma claim on behalf of the mesothelioma injury victim.5. Ask to speak with former Mesothelioma settlement plaintiffsAlthough this may sound unconventional, before deciding on a lawyer, ask to speak with one of their former or even current mesothelioma injury clients. By agreeing to let you do this, the lawyer is confident enough that his clients will speak highly of him. Also, by allowing you to meet with one of his clients, the mesothelioma lawyer is allowing the mesothelioma injury victim to acquire knowledge before making a decision.Summary: 5 Things you Should Know before hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer1. Find out the number of mesothelioma injury victims victories.2. Determine the level of personal attention for the mesothelioma victim.3. Be sure the mesothelioma cancer lawyer answers questions.4. A confident mesothelioma attorney will have a no fee consultation.5. Ask to speak with former mesothelioma claims plaintiff.By following these 5 recommendations, a mesothelioma inj ury victim is likely to save money and time, as well as endure less stress in hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer.If you know someone who may benefit from this article, please share it with them by clicking the share button below.

3. The best mesothelioma cancer lawyers answer questionsThe best mesothelioma lawyer will answer your questions. Before hiring a mesothelioma attorney, ask them these questions: How many injury victims have you personally represented? Out of these injury cases, how many received an out of court settlement? How many went to trial? What was the average claims settlement received? Does the mesothelioma attorney handle the case himself, or pass it on to another lawyer or law firm specializing in mesothelioma cases for part of the fee? Are there initial costs for attorney fees and preparation of a lawsuit? If so, how much?

4. No fee consultation for injury victimA mesothelioma cancer lawyer worth looking at is one who charges a no fee consultation, meaning that he will meet with the mesothelioma injury victim, conduct an interview and, perhaps, follow up interviews, along with filling out paperwork, in order to get an idea if there is enough evidence to file a mesothelioma claim on behalf of the mesothelioma injury victim.

5. Ask to speak with former Mesothelioma settlement plaintiffsAlthough this may sound unconventional, before deciding on a lawyer, ask to speak with one of their former or even current mesothelioma injury clients. By agreeing to let you do this, the lawyer is confident enough that his clients will speak highly of him. Also, by allowing you to meet with one of his clients, the mesothelioma lawyer is allowing the mesothelioma injury victim to acquire knowledge before making a decision.

Summary: 5 Things you Should Know before hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer1. Find out the number of mesothelioma injury victims victories.2. Determine the level of personal attention for the mesothelioma victim.3. Be sure the mesothelioma cancer lawyer answers questions.4. A confident mesothelioma attorney will have a no fee consultation.5. Ask to speak with former mesothelioma claims plaintiff.

By following these 5 recommendations, a mesothelioma injury victim is likely to save money and time, as well as endure less stress in hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer.

If you know someone who may benefit from this article, please share it with them by clicking the share button below.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mesothelioma Info - 10 Most Asked Questions - Health

Aside from patients and families, there are many of us who search for mesothelioma information and have questions we would like answered. Here are 10 of the most often asked questions with answers for those seeking mesothelioma information.

What is the mesothelium?

The mesothelium is a membrane that completely covers and protects each of the internal organs of the body. This membrane is made up of two layers of cells, one layer surrounds the organ while the other forms a sac around it. The mesothelium produces lubricating fluid which is released between these layers, allowing the moving organs such as the heart and lungs to glide easily against adjacent surfaces.

What is mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that attacks the mesothelium membrane, and is caused by earlier exposure to asbestos particles. When mesothelioma strikes, cells of the mesothelium become abnormal and divide without control, and malignant cells develop in the mesothelium which can metastasize from their original site to invade and damage nearby tissues and organs within the body. Typically, mesothelioma will begin in the pleura or peritoneum.. the abdominal cavity or lungs.

How common is mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a relatively rare form of cancer, even though reported incidence figures show a steady increase over the past 20 years or so. Each year approximately 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States alone. Mesothelioma affects men more so than women and the risk increases with age, but mesothelioma can occur in either sex and at any age.

What are the causes of mesothelioma?

At least 90% of mesotheliomas can be linked to exposure to asbestos, although usually the exposure will have taken place many years before the cancer becomes apparent. It is known that even very low levels of exposure to asbestos can lead to the development of mesothelioma, so it is possible that some patients may not have had any known contact with asbestos but may still have breathed in asbestos fibres without realizing it. Exposure to certain chemicals and radiation has also been linked to mesothelioma, and a small number of mesotheliomas have been linked to a type of radiation called thorium dioxide(thorotast). This was used in some x-rays up until the 1950's. There is no evidence linking mesotheliomas with cigarette smoking

How is mesothelioma diagnosed?

The symptoms of mesothelioma are often difficult to diagnose being very similar to the symptoms displayed in other conditions including asbestosis. The diagnosis of mesothelioma will require a review of the patient's medical history, including past history of asbestos exposure. A complete physical examination will be performed and x-rays of the chest and abdomen obtained. A CT scan or MRI may also prove useful in the diagnosis of mesothelioma.

Can mesothelioma be treated?

Treatment for mesothelioma varies depending on the location of the cancer, to what extent the mesothelioma has developed, and the patient's age and general condition. The options for mesothelioma treatment include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Is there a cure for mesothelioma?

The only treatment offering any hope of a cure for mesothelioma is an operation to remove the tumour surgically. Unfortunately because mesothelioma is so difficult to diagnose, it is often too far advanced for surgery to be carried out safely.

Are there new treatments available for mesothelioma?

The National Cancer Institute is currently sponsoring clinical trials in an effort to discover new treatments for mesothelioma along with improvement of the way current mesothelioma treatments are implemented. Before any new mesothelioma treatment can be recommended for general use, extensive clinical trials must be carried out to demonstrate that the mesothelioma treatment is safe for patients and will prove effective against the disease. Participation in these clinical trials can be an important treatment option for many patients suffering from the effects of mesothelioma.

What is the life expectancy for those diagnosed with mesothelioma?

The life expectancy for patients diagnosed with mesothelioma will vary depending on the type of cancer, where the tumor is, how far it has spread and the age and general health of the patient. Studies show average survival periods of between 8 and 14 months but it is not uncommon for patients to live for a few years following diagnosis of the condition.

So what is asbestosis?

Asbestosis is a non-cancerous chronic and potentially lethal inflammatory disease affecting the lungs, and is caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestosis can cause permanent lung damage, increased risk of dangerous lung infections, and heart failure.

So those are the most often asked questions by those seeking mesothelioma information, and it is hoped the above answers have enlightened you.

Trevor Taylor


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mesothelioma, general information. - Health

Mesothelioma is a relatively rare type of cancer, which affects approximately one in a million people. The usual direct cause is exposure to asbestos (around 75% of cases), but there is also a genetic factor in the likelihood of anyone contracting the disease. Mesothelioma causes malignant cells to grow in the protective sac which covers most of the body's internal organs, which is called the mesothelium.

There are various areas of the body in which Mesothelioma can occur... most commonly in the lining around the lungs (pleura), sometimes in the linings of the abdominal cavity (8% as likely as in the lungs) or heart areas. Mesothelioma acts by causing the cells of the mesothelium to divide and grow without control.

Although smoking does not directly cause Mesothelioma, a combination of smoking and asbestos exposure has been proven to increase the risk of Mesothelioma occurring in the lungs. Mesothelioma is usually caused by breathing in asbestos dust, such as at work, or even when washing the clothes of someone who has worked with asbestos. Due to its proven link with asbestos, there are legal proceedings involving compensation for Mesothelioma, and those working with asbestos are advised to shower and change clothes before leaving work, to reduce the chance of carrying asbestos dust outside the work place.

The symptoms of Mesothelioma can include breathing difficulties and coughing (due to fluid in the lungs), chest pain and less specific symptoms such as weight loss, fever and abdominal pain, can occur several decades after the asbestos exposure. Diagnosis of Mesothelioma might be supported by chest X-ray and/or CT scan or MRI, and the verified by detailed examination a sample of affected tissue (biopsy). If the cancerous Mesothelioma has spread to other parts of the body (metastasized), symptoms might include pain and problems in the neck or face.

Symptoms which seem to indicate Mesothelioma might also be caused by other less severe problems, and accurate diagnosis is often difficult. The presence of malignant cells in fluids increases the likelihood of a diagnosis of Mesothelioma.

Treatment for Mesothelioma can include radiation and chemo treatment and less commonly surgery. Recovery from Mesothelioma is not common, and median survival times is about 9 months from presentation (with the 5-year survival rate being about 10%), although a few people do survive for more than 20 years after having the disease. Methods of screening, used to detect Mesothelioma early, can improve chances of survival, but there is no generally agreed screening procedure currently. Some Mesothelioma patients have survived more than 5 years after having radical surgery plus chemo and radiation therapy, but radiation therapy alone has proved ineffective. There are ongoing clinical trials of new treatments for Mesothelioma (see /clinicaltrials), and taking part in such trials can be a valuable treatment option for some patients. Most patients die within 18 months of knowing they have Mesothelioma, not because the disease is rapidly progressing, but because diagnosis is often on ly clear at a late stage of the disease. Treatment can be expensive, sometimes totaling up to 800,000 US dollars.

Classifications of the stage (extent) of the Mesothelioma can be divided into "localized" when the cancer is only in the membrane surface, or "advanced" if it has spread to other parts of the body such as the lungs, chest wall, lymph nodes or organs in the abdomen.

Blue asbestos is more likely to cause Mesothelioma than white asbestos, due to the long thin fibers in blue asbestos; however, smaller particles of asbestos might be more dangerous than larger ones due to the fact that smaller particles can remain suspended in the air for longer periods. Asbestos can also cause other diseases as well as Mesothelioma, including cancers of the lungs and kidneys, as well as other lung diseases. Asbestos has been recognized as a health risk since about 1900, but asbestos and Mesothelioma has only been officially linked since 1960. Those living near natural occurrences of asbestos and other similar naturally occurring minerals, have an increased risk of Mesothelioma. Some people only briefly exposed to small amounts of asbestos develop Mesothelioma, while others exposed to large amounts of asbestos over long periods, do not. One study found incidence of Mesothelioma to be over 300 times as great in workers with asbestos insulation, compared to the general population.

Asbestos can cause the DNA of cells to change, or even increase the likelihood that foreign DNA will get inside a cell. Asbestos might also decrease the effectiveness of the immune system.

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer. The highest incidences of Mesothelioma are in Britain, Australia and Belgium, but even in these countries (which have around twice the incidence compared to the USA, where about 2,000 new cases are diagnosed each year), incidents is still a thirtieth of that of lung cancer. The incidents of Mesothelioma increased until 1990 and may now be decreasing (although other sources say that experts predict an increase). These figures might not be accurate, because diseases such as Mesothelioma are sometimes misdiagnosed.

The first legal proceedings involving Mesothelioma and asbestos were in 1929. Over half a million legal claims for compensation for Mesothelioma and asbestos have been filed. Workers in the ship building and repairing industries have the highest mortality rate from Mesothelioma.

See Mesothelioma Reports for lots of useful information on Mesothelioma

Sources:- wikipedia, National Cancer Institute,


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mesothelioma Cancer Lawyer Maryland - Health - Cancer

As asbestos is very effective with respect to heat-resistance and is very strong, it was commonly used around the world in the 19th and early 20th centuries. It has been used for purposes like in insulation, drywall joint compound, gaskets, floor tiles, roofing tiles, ropes and automotive parts such as brake pads, clutch facings, and valve covers. However, around the early 1900s, the association between Mesothelioma and asbestos exposure was found. It was also found that various diseases like asbestosis as well as cancer were caused due to this mineral.

In spite of warnings and regulations, asbestos manufacturers continued to use the material as it was very financially profitable. Owing to the continuous usage of asbestos, it became the cause of Mesothelioma among hundreds of thousands of American workers, their wives and children due to direct and indirect exposure from clothing.

Due to the companies using asbestos knowing the ill effects of the material, victims started going for Mesothelioma lawsuits in the area they lived in or where they were working. These victims started using legal assistance to get compensation for developing the disease due to exposure at the workplace. These people and their family members who were diagnosed with Mesothelioma or asbestos-related illnesses can now contact Mesothelioma cancer lawyers in and around Maryland.Mesothelioma Cancer Lawyers in Maryland

Maryland has many cases of asbestos exposure due to the presence of many power plants, ship yards and paper mills. These locations have more asbestos content. In spite of Maryland being a smaller state, the number of victims suffering from this disease is much higher than national averages. Baltimore County and Baltimore City County are the areas in the state which have seen maximum number of asbestos-related deaths which amounted to about 559 deaths in the two counties between 1979 and 1999; that is more than half the total number of deaths in the entire state. This is because there are many different industries that are high-risk for asbestos exposure. In most of these industries, asbestos insulation is used in the construction of ships and coverings of pipes as well as in the walls as fireproofing agents. The power plants in Basco and Glen Burnie also used asbestos as it does not conduct electricity. The nuclear power plant in Lusby and the Nuclear Power School in Bainb ridge are also considered locations with high asbestos content.

Due to these reasons Mesothelioma cancer lawyers in Maryland are active in getting justice to the victims. Maryland courts have also set up a negligence system to identify the defaulters and for determining liability. The courts also follow the common law doctrine of joint and several liabilities in cases with multiple defendants where each defendant is considered to be responsible for the entire compensation that is determined.Maryland Asbestos Litigation

Justice and subsequent compensation has been offered to many victims in Maryland under the guidance of capable Mesothelioma cancer lawyers. Some of the lawsuits are:

* A Baltimore County Circuit Court was successful in given a compensation of $3.925 million to the estates of deceased brake workers in the first brake asbestos case in Maryland as per the Copland and Alford v. Sparrows Point Steel Mill * In the Hunter v. Owens-Corning Fiberglas case, a Baltimore City jury awarded $4.3 million to an electrician who died of Mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos in Kaylo, pipe insulation made by Owens-Corning Fiberglas. * Ford Motor Co. was made to pay more than $14 million to widows of two brake mechanics who were exposed to asbestos while working on brake linings in Ford Motor vehicles


Monday, March 19, 2012

The Cancer Mesothelioma and Asbestos Cancer Lawsuits - Health - Cancer

Individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma may have the legal grounds to file a compensation settlement claim through an asbestos cancer lawsuit.

Mesothelioma, or lung cancer, occurs when the delicate membrane called mesothelium, a thin lining that covers some organs of the body including the lungs and the heart, becomes malignant. When the cells of this membrane start to abnormally divide and grow, adjacent tissues and organs are damaged which may result in this deadly form of cancer.

Although, mesothelioma is considered to be among the rarer forms of cancer, about 2,000 patients annually are diagnosed with this condition according to the National Cancer Institute. More men than women are diagnosed with this asbestos-induced disease. The risks of developing mesothelioma increases as an individual ages. Both men and women who have inhaled asbestos particles in their work or living environment are among the highest risk group of developing this form of cancer.

As many as four out of five individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma have some history of exposure to asbestos. Many of them had exposure during service in the U.S. military thirty or forty years ago. Because the full dangers of asbestos exposure were not acknowledged by the government until the 1970s, asbestos was freely used in a large variety of products including flooring, insulation, roofing, brake lining and a wide array of industrial items.

Individuals who were diagnosed with a health condition that can be linked back to asbestos exposure, might have sufficient legal grounds to explore options of litigation in order to seek monetary compensation for their personal injuries through an asbestos cancer lawsuit. It is advisable to contact a reputable mesothelioma lawyer immediately after the diagnosis is conclusive, as the statue of limitations only allows for a restricted amount of time in which a claimant has to file his asbestos cancer lawsuit claim.

Frequently the symptoms of mesothelioma don't reveal themselves until decades after a person has inhaled asbestos dust. Difficulty with regular breathing, shortness of breath after even mild physical exertion and chest pain due to fluid build-up in the mesothelium, are the main warning signs of mesothelioma. Additional symptoms include distension and pain in the abdomen as well as fever.

The treatment of mesothelioma depends upon how advanced the abnormal cell growth has gotten and if the cancer has spread to other areas such as the lymph nodes. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery are among the top three treatment options and a number of new methods are currently undergoing clinical trials.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Increasing Awarness of Asbestos Cancer Spurs Mesothelioma Lawsuits - Internet

Mesothelioma lawsuits seem to be becoming more and more prevalent as the disease and its causes become more well-known. You may have seen commercials for attorneys advertising their services in this specialized area. Due to the fact that decades can pass before the disease rears its ugly head, it has become apparent that the companies responsible for exposing their workers to asbestos so many years ago may no longer be in business. But there is something you can do.

Mesothelioma, commonly known as Asbestos Cancer, is a rare form of cancer that is most frequently known to occur when the affected person has come in contact with asbestos and inhaled its particles. It does, however, emerge in some individuals without ever having made contact with asbestos and occurs more in men than women, but can affect both genders. The name Mesothelioma is derived from mesothelium, which is the membrane that covers and protects most of the internal organs of the body. When cancer cells are active in the mesothelium, that membrane begins to deteriorate and the cancer can continue spreading to other parts of the body.

During the 1940s, millions of Americans were exposed to asbestos, but at that time, the dangers were not known. The symptoms of Mesothelioma many times do not appear for up to 30 to 50 years after exposure. Depending on your age, you may have relatives who have unfortunately, contracted this disease while working with asbestos or simply from being exposed to it in other ways.

If you or someone you know or are related to have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, there are steps you can take to receive compensation. Although a monetary settlement will not cure the disease, its benefits may help to make the sick individual live more comfortably and possibly ease their suffering somewhat.

Although there are individual cases, many Mesothelioma lawsuits are filed as class action suits due to the fact that so many people were affected at the same time at the same place. Even if the responsible company is no longer in business, the attorneys can still obtain monetary settlements through other means as there have been billions of dollars set aside for disbursements regarding Mesothelioma lawsuits.

If you or someone you love has contracted Mesothelioma, do an online search for lawyers in your area who handle these types of cases. A settlement made to you through a Mesothelioma lawsuit can offer a degree of support in more ways than one. The compensation received can assist in alleviating some of the burden of medical treatment costs, especially for those who are uninsured, and also possibly give an individual a chance to live in a more comfortable atmosphere, overall.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

What Is Asbestos Attorney Cancer Lawyer Mesothelioma Settlement - Health

asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement studies are very crucial that you check whether the building which you live in or even work is free from any kind of damaged asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement substance. Damaged asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement can be extremely harmful to the actual the respiratory system. Sometimes they could demonstrate deadly also. Therefore, most companies these days, consider excellent care and check the particular premises of the organization properly. This means they are aware of the actual dangerous materials remnant within the driveway. The remaining asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement is easy to remove by phoning the firms which are appropriately competed in asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement removal procedure.

asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement is a naturally occurring mineral together with extended fibrous deposits. It's these kinds of fibers that induce asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement's accumulation because of the hurt they result in whenever taken in into the lungs. Inhalation regarding asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement may cause several very serious ailments such as lung cancer and also Pneumoconiosis.

You ought to be conscious that when asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement materials acquire airborne, they may be easily inhaled from the folks in the vicinity. asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement fibres are usually unseen to the naked eye and do not odor. They will effortlessly get through to the lungs as well as stay right now there for decades till it advances right into a cancer known as mesothelioma. It can also result in other illnesses just like asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlementis, lung cancer, as well as cancer of other internal organs. Due to the latency of the condition, folks who have been subjected to it will not realize it till years later on when they acquire diagnosed with a devastating illness caused by asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement. This is when an asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement state is generally made, as well as a great asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement attorney gets consulted in regards to the options available for that sufferer.

Any time asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement was in the prime, this was utilized inside dozens of applications. Downpipes and gutters had been made of asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement concrete, because had been water fish tanks, pipes and lots of some other goods. Air conditioning systems, central heating boiler and also ventilating systems also have been produced from asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement bare concrete.

asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlementis occurs asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement fibres type in the lungs and also the lung cells get damaged. Your body could keep generating a type of acid to assist break up the particular asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement fiber nonetheless it never does indeed. The actual acid after that leads to the particular malfunction from the lung tissues creating impairment for the bronchi. Individuals who have proved helpful within textile industries are the ones usually identified as having it. It's always best to handle them right now instead of wait for injury to progress into one thing incurable and also deadly such as mesothelioma. Seek the assistance of the asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement attorney and instantly file for a great asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement declare.

asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement items in good condition usually are not hazardous in contrast to the particular broken ones. The particular ruined kinds pose the actual danger of experience of muscle. The inhaled fibres are not divided in the bronchi as well as continue to be presently there for a long time creating excellent damage. Consequently, it is extremely essential to recognize goods that contains asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement because they are able to seem much like individuals not really that contains asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement. Hence, it is very important that asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement products are taken care of very carefully usually.

asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement publicity is actually clearly defined as inhaling and swallowing little allergens and fibers. The actual particles under consideration become airborne any time asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement tend to be separated or disrupted. Any time asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement materials are usually inhaled or even ingested, they might hotel on their own within the cellular lining round the bronchi, stomach tooth cavity or center. These kinds of allergens can build-up over several years with no symptoms in any way.

Around 1930, the particular health-related community was beginning to investigate mesothelioma, at that time a new condition with unusual signs and symptoms as well as small information. They could only observe the symptoms: breathing problems, shortness of breath, and also general chest/lung pain. Mesothelioma had not been attached to asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement nor advised since asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement cancer till 1940.

Today, because you have learn about asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement, you might be convinced that that it is a good nutrient, having the ability to avoid temperature and deterioration within our homes as well as buildings, and even in automobiles. The thing is, there is a poor aspect to it. There are particular dangers and also risks that come along with making use of asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement. The particular workers are generally the ones in danger, because they are the type working on properties or perhaps tires that contain asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement. Note nevertheless that if you are subjected to any deteriorating building or perhaps home which includes asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement about it, after that then you might be at risk at the same time. Elimination of asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement should be described as a concern for those who have any going down hill home or creating. It can be present inside the going down hill ceiling or perhaps house siding at your own home, office, or even stockroom and also you may possibly concept of that you are currently inhaling and exhaling asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement.

In america, although the Epa has no common bar about asbestos attorney cancer lawyer mesothelioma settlement utilizes, it absolutely was among the first pollutants regulated through the Clear Air Act and its utilize in lots of programs banned from the Poisonous Materials Control Act.


Friday, March 16, 2012

How to hire a mesothelioma cancer lawyer - Health - Diseases and Conditions

Hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer, or a lawyer who specializes in asbestos settlement claims), can be a daunting task. For that reason, we're put together a list of 5 things you should look for when hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer.

About MesotheliomaMesothelioma cancer is caused by exposure to asbestos. Typically, mesothelioma cancer, also known as asbestos poisoning, afflicts people who work with asbestos products, although it takes years to develop symptoms of illness.

Due to the fact that mesothelioma cancer takes years for the symptoms to manifest, finding a qualified attorney can mean the difference between winning an asbestos settlement (mesothelioma claim) or losing an asbestos settlement.

Here are ten things you should look for when hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer.

1. Significant victories for injury victimsSignificant victories and settlements for asbestos lung cancer victims. After all attorney's fees and expenses are paid, mesothelioma injury victims should expect to receive out of court mesothelioma settlement awards of close to one million dollars or more. These out of court settlements for injury, even though they may seem large, save the companies who are paying them significant amounts of money that would be spent on long, drawn out court cases for mesothelioma injury victims.

2. Personal attention for victimsSuffering the affects of mesothelioma injury can be difficult enough, without having the additional stress of deciding which mesothelioma cancer lawyer to use. Finding an attorney that offers personal attention should be at the top of the list for asbestos poisoning victims.

3. The best mesothelioma cancer lawyers answer questionsThe best mesothelioma lawyer will answer your questions. Before hiring a mesothelioma attorney, ask them these questions: How many injury victims have you personally represented? Out of these injury cases, how many received an out of court settlement? How many went to trial? What was the average claims settlement received? Does the mesothelioma attorney handle the case himself, or pass it on to another lawyer or law firm specializing in mesothelioma cases for part of the fee? Are there initial costs for attorney fees and preparation of a lawsuit? If so, how much?4. No fee consultation for injury victimA mesothelioma cancer lawyer worth looking at is one who charges a no fee consultation, meaning that he will meet with the mesothelioma injury victim, conduct an interview and, perhaps, follow up interviews, along with filling out paperwork, in order to get an idea if there is enough evidence to file a mesothelioma claim on behalf of the mesothelioma injury victim.5. Ask to speak with former Mesothelioma settlement plaintiffsAlthough this may sound unconventional, before deciding on a lawyer, ask to speak with one of their former or even current mesothelioma injury clients. By agreeing to let you do this, the lawyer is confident enough that his clients will speak highly of him. Also, by allowing you to meet with one of his clients, the mesothelioma lawyer is allowing the mesothelioma injury victim to acquire knowledge before making a decision.Summary: 5 Things you Should Know before hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer1. Find out the number of mesothelioma injury victims victories.2. Determine the level of personal attention for the mesothelioma victim.3. Be sure the mesothelioma cancer lawyer answers questions.4. A confident mesothelioma attorney will have a no fee consultation.5. Ask to speak with former mesothelioma claims plaintiff.By following these 5 recommendations, a mesothelioma inj ury victim is likely to save money and time, as well as endure less stress in hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer.If you know someone who may benefit from this article, please share it with them by clicking the share button below.

3. The best mesothelioma cancer lawyers answer questionsThe best mesothelioma lawyer will answer your questions. Before hiring a mesothelioma attorney, ask them these questions: How many injury victims have you personally represented? Out of these injury cases, how many received an out of court settlement? How many went to trial? What was the average claims settlement received? Does the mesothelioma attorney handle the case himself, or pass it on to another lawyer or law firm specializing in mesothelioma cases for part of the fee? Are there initial costs for attorney fees and preparation of a lawsuit? If so, how much?

4. No fee consultation for injury victimA mesothelioma cancer lawyer worth looking at is one who charges a no fee consultation, meaning that he will meet with the mesothelioma injury victim, conduct an interview and, perhaps, follow up interviews, along with filling out paperwork, in order to get an idea if there is enough evidence to file a mesothelioma claim on behalf of the mesothelioma injury victim.

5. Ask to speak with former Mesothelioma settlement plaintiffsAlthough this may sound unconventional, before deciding on a lawyer, ask to speak with one of their former or even current mesothelioma injury clients. By agreeing to let you do this, the lawyer is confident enough that his clients will speak highly of him. Also, by allowing you to meet with one of his clients, the mesothelioma lawyer is allowing the mesothelioma injury victim to acquire knowledge before making a decision.

Summary: 5 Things you Should Know before hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer1. Find out the number of mesothelioma injury victims victories.2. Determine the level of personal attention for the mesothelioma victim.3. Be sure the mesothelioma cancer lawyer answers questions.4. A confident mesothelioma attorney will have a no fee consultation.5. Ask to speak with former mesothelioma claims plaintiff.

By following these 5 recommendations, a mesothelioma injury victim is likely to save money and time, as well as endure less stress in hiring a mesothelioma cancer lawyer.

If you know someone who may benefit from this article, please share it with them by clicking the share button below.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

When You Need an Asbestos Cancer Lawsuit Lawyer - Home

There exists an increased worldwide work to minimise asbestos exposure, cut down on mesothelioma injury and asbestosis mesothelioma.This was driven in aspect by the big asbestos settlements granted in mesothelioma lawsuits.Early inside the 1970s we saw the initial drafts of mesothelioma cancer law accepted by several regulating bodies of created countries internationally.On the other hand in a nation like South Africa, laws had been only made in 2008 to finally management the mining and manufacturing of asbestos goods.Most asbestos products are reasonably protected if it is kept undisturbed, painted and nicely maintained. However, most people is going to be amazed to notice the huge amount of asbestos solutions in their residing and operate environments, which can be poorly maintained.You might have been exposed to asbestos 20 to 40 years ago and now have been informed by your medical doctor that you are suffering from lung cancer. This situation, known as Mesothelioma, ca n be a cancer that could have resulted out of your exposure to asbestos at school, operate and even at home. Should you really feel you will be a victim of this deadly condition, it can be time for you to make contact with an asbestos cancer lawsuit lawyer. There are several attorneys who specialize exclusively in assisting Mesothelioma victims get compensation for associated medical expenses. They function exclusively to locate some type of monetary relief for victims (and victims' families) that could cover the extraordinary medical expenses that greater than probably will take place.As a brief background, asbestos has been used for a lot of many years as being a component of many products. It seems as a dust and countless folks have been exposed to it over the past few decades. For the final 15 years or so, suppliers and their insurers have acknowledged that asbestos is hazardous and maybe life threatening. Also, businesses producing asbestos discovered early on that it m ay cause diseases such as lung cancer and Mesothelioma. But, these organizations kept this data secret and didn't notify the public with the likely consequences. This resulted in millions of U.S.A. employees getting exposed needlessly to deadly asbestos dust.The Occupational Security and Health Administration (OSHA) established itself within the United states of america within the 1970s. Asbestos exposure was then acknowledged by this agency as some thing that posed a real wellness risk to American workers. Consequently, OSHA designed specified regulations to protect these employees. Nonetheless, some organizations ignored the regulations and continued to expose their employees to asbestos. Furthermore, some companies continued to produce goods containing asbestos although regulations have been in place warning with the prospective dangers.Should you had been exposed to asbestos and have already been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, then it is vital for you to seek the advice of an asbestos cancer lawsuit lawyer. Not simply is it most likely that your illness was a direct outcome of getting exposed to asbestos, you could quite effectively have indirectly offered it for your family members by bringing asbestos dust home in your clothes. It is for your advantage to at the very least get all the data you may from a lawyer who is skilled in OSHA regulations as well as the unsafe consequences of asbestos exposure.In case your dwelling was constructed ahead of the 1970s, it could include asbestos.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cancer lawyer Mesothelioma - Selecting an - Valuable Details - Health

Are you currently one of many unfortunate workers who have been exposed to asbestos on the job and possess now been clinically determined to have mesothelioma? If you are, you must know your rights and meet with a cancer lawyer mesothelioma who is able to get you the restitution both of you need and deserve. Mesothelioma can be a devastating kind of cancer of the lung caused by contact with asbestos, and contains the ability to destroy the lives from the patient and other family members. If you're being up against medical bills, emotional issues, and burning anger at a company that allowed this to occur to you, you are not alone. It's happened to hundreds of workers, and lots of are taking steps to get the financial support they're entitled to.Some law firms concentrate on nothing but mesothelioma cases. They've all the legal know-how you may need in order to get the medical and emotional support essential to get you through this devastating time. Their job is always to ob serve that you obtain every one of the assistance you'll want in order to ensure a secure financial future. They've the expertise it will take to dig into the facts and acquire the information required to convince the courts that the work place ended up being to blame for your medical issues. As you must be capable of prove this aspect in order to seek restitution, you will need every one of the help a fantastic cancer lawyer mesothelioma should be able to provide you with.No one can blame you to your health conditions. Even though you were conscious that you were working in an atmosphere in places you were confronted with asbestos, you almost certainly couldn't know how hazardous this fabric could be to your wellbeing. If you achieve a specialized cancer lawyer mesothelioma, though, one of the first things he will let you know is your employer was comfortable with the chance their employees were taking.As soon as the 1920s there was evidence pointing to the fact that exposu re to asbestos was dangerous for employees. Through the '30s and '40s, scientific links were developed between asbestos and cancer. Companies that used asbestos within their manufacturing processes received repeated warnings concerning the problems that asbestos might be causing for employees and advised to modify to at least one with the safer materials which were available.It's tough to believe in a country that is honored around the value it places on human life, but executives in these companies determined to keep using asbestos, as it meant bigger profits and more profit their pockets. The health of their employees took a back seat for their greed, an undeniable fact how the courts now look upon as totally unethical. They also withheld the data they had regarding the asbestos-cancer link from their employees who continued innocently working in dangerous environments. Therefore, the bad decisions made by these heartless employers are now being blamed for your suffering o f their employees who contracted mesothelioma. Things could have been much different if they had only acted responsibly.The company you worked for has been doing to you is nothing in short supply of criminal, as well as the legal system recognizes this fact. To go after your rights and the restitution you deserve, you will desire a cancer lawyer mesothelioma who may have the expertise to prove your claim. A number of the benefits you might be eligible for include financial assist with replace lost wages, payment of medical bills which are not included in insurance, aid in meeting funeral expenses, and emotional support to a family event members. Although your lawyer defintely won't be able to find your health back to suit your needs, he can do a many solutions to produce what you're experiencing simpler for you, including providing your household with the financial security it takes.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Symptoms of Mesothelioma Cancer - Health

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost caused by previous exposure to asbestos. It has three common types namely, pleural Mesothelioma peritoneal Mesothelioma, and pericardial Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma occurs in many places within the body, but is usually near from the lungs and to the abdominal area.

Once a specialist diagnosed that you are positive on Mesothelioma, be conscious and try to ask the doctor what is your current condition.Below are the following symptoms of Mesothelioma you should keep in mind in case of emergency you know what to do:* Chest wall pain* Shortness of breath* Bowel obstruction* Fatigue or anemia* Pleural effusion (or fluid surrounding the lungs)* Wheezing, hoarseness or cough* Blood in the sputum* Weight loss* Blood cloth* Low blood sugar* Severe ascite (build up of fluid in the abdominal cavity)* Anemia

Symptoms of Mesothelioma may not appear until 20 to 50 years but prepare yourself if one day you will see the signs of the said disease.

Plan of Actions

As a Mesothelioma patient or victim, do something to help to minimize this type of disease.

1.Through check up. Inform your doctor about your medical situation and the sign and symptoms you have been facing. In fact it will be easy for the doctor to give enough information according to the disease.

2.By Telling your Medical History. It is based on the patient's experience and feeling for the doctor to provide an insight related to the past and present and give him hint about the causes, effect, importance and treatment.

3.Decision making. If the doctor asks your condition, follow their perception and suggestions base on your health.

If they offer medical operation, prepare yourself for financial factors as diagnosis and treatment of Mesothelioma cancer may include large amount on expenses.

Immediately see the doctor to describe and explained the detail, for the doctor to determine if Mesothelioma cancer really exists on your body and to make correct diagnosis.

Having a Mesothelioma cancer is a big problem because it can damage our lives no one else is excused it is either poor or rich.


Monday, March 12, 2012

What are Some Common Treatments for Mesothelioma? - Law - Personal Injury

Treatments for mesothelioma vary and there is far more information available than can be covered thoroughly, here. So, you are encouraged to read up on as much information as you can find as well as ask your doctor for recommendations specific to your needs, and why he recommends the treatments he does. With that in mind, let this article direct you to some reliable sources of information to help you fully understand your medical team's recommendations and all of your options before you choose a course of treatment.

There is a very nice and thorough Guide for Malignant Mesothelioma available from the American Cancer Society that you can read online or download as a PDF file. This guide, along with several other sources gives good explanations of this disease, treatment options, and much more information. The treatment options available to you may differ significantly from other people's, based upon a number of factors. These include:

* What part of your body is involved.* The stage of the mesothelioma.* The degree of metastasis-how far it has spread.* The type of cells, as identified with a microscope.* Your age.* Your preferences.

You may hear some discouraging information about treatment or survival statistics, but don't give up hope. Many of these statistics include survival rates based on early treatment outcomes, which can skew the current rates. Specialists and researchers are having more and more success with newer methods of treatment, and those in leading cancer centers are making notable progress.

The most common treatments for mesothelioma include:

* Surgical removal of the cancerous cells. This is the most common treatment. Surgery might be done to remove cancerous portions of the mesothelial lining, some of the adjacent tissue, possibly an entire lung (pneumonectomy), part of the diaphragm, or the affected portions of the peritoneal lining and adjacent tissue.* Chemotherapy, drugs to destroy the cancer cells. Most chemotherapy drugs are administered by intravenous injection (IV) over several treatments scheduled several weeks apart. In peritoneal mesothelioma, heated chemotherapy may be administered after surgery. * Radiation therapy to destroy the cancer cells. X-rays can kill cancer cells and shrink tumors, which improves the success of surgery. * A combination of two or three of the above treatments

Palliative treatments of mesothelioma intended to relieve symptoms and control pain may include surgery or radiation therapy along with procedures such as paracentesis or thoracentesis (depending upon the location of the cancer), and pleurectomy to remove part of the tumor, but not all of it. These latter treatments involve draining fluid from the affected areas and then injecting drugs to prevent accumulation of more fluid in those spaces.

Other treatments come in the form of clinical trials. These are treatments that are being studied by researchers to see if they are effective and if so, how effective under varying conditions. If you are interested in taking part in a clinical trial you can learn more from the Cancer Information Service (CIS) at 1-800-4-CANCER. You will need to talk to your doctor about current trials and your eligibility for these. You can also download the National Cancer Institute's booklet "Taking Part in Cancer Treatment Research Studies."


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Doctors and Specialists of Mesothelioma in USA - Other

Many doctors in the United States are specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of a rare form of cancer, Mesothelioma. Learn more about the achievements and contributions of these doctors in the study of this rare disease.

According to the National Cancer Institute, Mesothelioma is a rare kind of cancer usually caused by inhalation of asbestos materials. Some people because of their job descriptions are exposed regularly to such hazardous chemicals.

Mesothelioma is a rare kind of cancer. It takes doctors specializing in this disease to detect and treat the cancer. Sadly, there are only a few of these doctors to date.

These doctors are worthy to mention below.

Dr. Roy Smythe, MDProfessor and ChairmanDepartment of SurgeryTexas A&M University System Health Sciences CenterScott & White Hospital, Temple, TXPhone: 254-724-2595

Dr. Smythe attended his medical study in Baylor University. In 1998, he became a faculty member of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. In 1989, he graduated with the highest honors in Texas A&M University in 1989. He was also awarded the Helen Salyer Anderson Medal for Academic Achievement.

Between 1989 and 1996, he started a laboratory test which led to the first clinical gene therapy for the disease called mesotheliomia. Since then, he worked hand in hand with other specialists in looking for a treatment of mesothelioma-inflicted diseases.

Organizational Membership:*Diplomat of the American Board of Surgery*American Board of Thoracic Surgery*Alpha Omega Alpha*American Association for Cancer Research*American Society for Gene Therapy*Association for Academic Surgery*Southern Thoracic Surgical Association

Dr. Valerie W. Rusch, FACSFACS Chief, Thoracic ServicePhone: 212-639-5873

Dr. Rusch is a specialist in many kinds of cancers including the mesothelioma. She made several research projects to test how patients respond to several treatments. She aims to provide the best treatment possible for cancer patients.

Other clinical expertise:*Thoracic Surgical Oncology*Lung Cancer*Esophageal Cancer*Mediastinal Tumors*Mesothelioma*Pulmonary Metastases*Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery*Pulmonary and Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy*Laser Endoscopy*Tracheobronchial and Esophageal Stents

Dr. Lary A. Robinson, M.D.Dr. Robinson authored several medical publications and has exerted a lot of effort involving cancer-related research projects, particularly for mesothelioma and lung cancer. He focuses on evaluating treatments of different stages of mesothelioma including therapeutic treatments.

Other achievements of Dr. Robinson include:*Undergraduate Degree - University of Kansas*Medical Degree - Washington University School of Medicine*Fellowship in cardiac research and clinical cardiac - St. Thomas' Hospital in London*Diplomat of the American Board of Surgery*American Board of Thoracic Surgery*Certified in Surgical Critical Care*Associate Professor of Surgery and Pharmacology*Clinical Director of the Clinical Perfusion Science Education Program

Dr. Stephen C. Yang, M.D.Chief, Division of Thoracic SurgeryAssociate Professor of Surgery and OncologySurgical Director, Lung Transplantation ProgramDi6rector, Thoracic Oncology ProgramJohns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MDPhone: (410) 614-3891

Dr. Yang initiated various medical researches including:*Development of molecular markers for early diagnosis of lung cancer, recurrent lung cancer and surgical resection*Early detection and intervention of teleomerase*Molecular biology of mesothelioma

Clinical Expertise:*Lung Cancer*Lung Diseases: fibrosis, emphysema*Esophageal Cancer*Mesothelioma*CT scanning for early diagnosis of tobacco related diseases*Lung transplantation - Adult and Pediatric programs*Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS)*Lung volume reduction surgery for emphysema

Professional credentials:*B.A. Chemistry - Duke University*M.D. Medicine - Medical College of Virginia*General Surgery Residency - University Texas Health Science Center in Houston*Cardiothoracic Fellowship - Medical College of Virginia*Thoracic Oncology Surgery Fellowship - M.D. Anderson Cancer Center


Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Importance of Mesothelioma Treatment - Health - Medicine

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, which affects the protective lining of the body's internal organs. It usually develops in the outer lining of the lungs and the internal chest wall. However, it is not limited to this organ. It can also develop in the lining of the abdominal cavity, the heart, the sac surrounding the heart and the tunic vaginalis (a covering of the testis). Mesothelioma is nearly exclusively caused by exposure to asbestos. Though there have been rare cases where the cancer has developed in a person who has no known exposure to the material.

Treatment of mesothelioma depends on many factors. The part of the body that is affected by the cancer and how far it has spread are important factors in determining the affective treatment for the disease. Other factors include the patients age, the cancers stage, and the appearance of the cancer cells under a microscope. Once these factors have been taken into account then a treatment plan can be developed.

There are several types of treatment for mesothelioma. Most common among these are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Surgery entails the actually removal of the cancer through surgical procedures. Chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer through the use of chemotherapy drugs, which usually block the enzymes necessary for DNA copying and cell division. In radiation therapy, penetrating beams of high energy are used to attack the microscopic cancer cells in the body. These three traditional treatments for mesothelioma can be used alone or together depending on the treatment plan created by the cancer team.

The prognosis for mesothelioma is not very promising; with the survival time expected, being only eight to twelve months. This prognosis, however, is improving with the many advances that occur each day in the fight against cancer.

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Emanuele Miglioretti


Friday, March 9, 2012

Mesothelioma Treatment -What is the role of Diet in the treatment of mesothelioma? - Health - Cancer

For victims of diseases like cancer, proper eating can make the difference between life and death, they must eat a very balanced diet. Cancer and the anti cancer drugs used to treat it can destroy the appetite and drain the body of vital nutrients so that it can no longer fight the drugs. Nausea, vomiting, and constipation, and even loss of smell and taste are common side effects of Chemotherapy which tend to reduce the desire to eat a balanced diet and ensure sound health.

The type of diet recommended for mesothelioma patients include foods from four food groups namely protein, fat, water and carbohydrates.Protein is the most essential part of a good mesothelioma diet as protein helps repair cells damaged by chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. The prestigious National Cancer institute recommends that people with this cancer take foods such as cheese, milk, eggs, yogurt, nuts, peanut butter, fish, meat, and ice cream.

Fats are also a very important component of a good cancer diet as fat help store energy which the body can make use of later to provide a much needed boost during chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

Although fat intake depends on the size and body type of the person, but the National Cancer Institute believes that high calorie foods such as butter, cheese, milk, honey, sugar, dried fruits, and granola can provide adequate fat stores to be used by the body during the mesothelioma recovery process.

Water is also important because it helps to improve the state of hydration in the body especially during radiotherapy and chemotherapy when the body tends to loose some water.

Carbohydrates should also be part of their diet as they also help to provide the much needed energy to be able to cope with the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Some patients prefer to throw caution to the wind, and eat whatever they desire, believing that food is a simple pleasure in life and the joy experienced from eating their favorite dishes has a more positive effect than a menu of approved foods.

A balanced diet can help victims of mesothelioma maintain their overall health and improve their quality of life even though they will still likely succumb to the devastating effects of the diseaseEvery mesothelioma victim should take steps to get compensated for the terrible pain and hardship that they pass through when they are diagnosed. They must learn as much as they can about the disease and how to get compensated.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mesothelioma Chemotherapy: Looking at the use of Pemetrexed in the treatment of Mesothelioma - Health - Cancer

Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma is a rare form of lung cases with about 2000 new cases occurring every year. Exposure to asbestos is the main cause of this type of lung cancer unlike in other lung cancers where cigarette smoking is the main risk factor.

Pemetrexed is one of the chemotherapeutic agents that have been approved for the treatment of malignant lung mesothelioma. It belongs to a group of drugs known as MTA, multitargeted anti-folates. These group of drugs block the uptake of folic acid by cells of the body, cells require folic acid to power the process of growth and multiplication, and once the uptake is blocked the cancerous cells will not be able to continue dividing and multiplying.

Pemetrexed can be combined with another anti cancer agent called carboplatin and this combination has been known to increase the life span of patients by as much as three years.

If you are a patient suffering from this cancer, and your oncologist has recommended the use of Pemetrexed as part of your cancer treatment, it is important to obtain information about nutritional supplements that may be necessary during the course of chemotherapy. Because Pemetrexed blocks the vitamin B from reaching health tissue, supplementing diet with oral folic acid, prior to treatment, is important.

Side Effects in Treating Lung Cancer of chemotherapy drugs is a major concern for those receiving treatment for malignant pleural mesothelioma but the side effects associated with pemetrexed are less common when compared with other chemotherapy drugs however it can cause anemia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of weight, itching and burning between treatments and even muscle aches and pains as some of its own side effects.

The use of Pemetrexed is contraindicated {that is, it can not be used} in patients with kidney diseases, liver disease, heart disease, shingles, and gout. When discussing treatment options with your health care professional, inquire about the use of Pemetrexed, in combination with carboplatin, this drug combination will help to relieve you of some of the symptoms of the cancer and it will also improve your prognosis.

Once you are placed on this combination make sure you supplement your diet with appropriate dose of folic acid to help your normal healthy tissues to continue to grow and multiply normally.

To be able to cope very well with treatment every mesothelioma victim should seek for adequate knowledge about the disease and the different modes of treatment.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Causes and Treatment of Mesothelioma - Other

Mesothelioma is a form of lung cancer, predominantly caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. In fact, mesothelioma is a cancer of the mesothelium, the sheath that covers major organs such as the lungs (pleurum), the heart (pericardium) and the abdominal cavity (peritoneum). Pleural mesothelioma is by far the most common kind.

Mesothelioma and Asbestos

When asbestos fibers are inhaled, they become embedded in the lining of the lungs. Due to their small needle-like size, the normal defenses of the body are unable to detect them. Usually, any foreign bodies such as this would either be coughed up, or be removed through a build-up of mucus around them. But nor asbestos. They cause inflammation of the lungs and tissue damage, leading to scarring and coughing. These are the initial symptoms of asbestosis, though asbestosis is not mesothelioma.

No one knows for sure why cancers develop, but once cancerous cells are formed in the pleura, it gradually becomes thicker, and over time restricts breathing and causes shortness of breath and coughing. What is known as 'pleural effusion' occurs, as the fluid of the pleura, designed to lubricate the movement of the lungs against the other organs nearby, builds up and exerts pressure on the lungs. The thickening of the pleura continues as an increasing number of cells become cancerous, until death eventually occurs.

The Effect of Smoking

Although smoking is known to lead to a number of forms of cancer, it does not in itself promote mesothelioma. However, a patient that has been exposed to asbestos, and who also smokes, will be more liable to contract the disease than a non-smoker will. This is why smokers are generally awarded lower sums in compensation than non-smokers with the same condition. However, it would be wrong to state that smoking is a cause of mesothelioma.

It is, however, the cause of many more lung cancer cases than mesothelioma caused by asbestos, and smoking and asbestos together also increase the risk of the patient developing general lung cancer, just as prolonged exposure to asbestos causes more than just mesothelioma. Asbestos lung cancer and mesothelioma are not the same thing.


The major symptoms are shortness of breath, weight loss, nausea and pain. This is true of all forms of mesothelioma, not only pleural mesothelioma. In the case of peritoneal mesothelioma, the abdomen becomes very painful and distended, just as the pleural version causes tightening and swelling in the chest due to pleural effusion. The pressure created can also result in pain, apart from that of the cancer itself.


If the disease is not diagnosed early, then survival is unlikely. Therefore, any person who has previously worked in the asbestos industry, or has used asbestos in their employment, should make their doctor aware of that fact. They can then be placed on a schedule of regular examinations designed to detect the first signs of the disease. If the condition is detected early enough, most treatments available can be used effectively, and surgery is much more likely to be effective if the area affected is able to be isolated.

If you have contracted the disease, stopping smoking is essential, and you must try to avoid all infections of the lungs and airways. It is possible to have the condition treated, but if diagnosed too late then treatment tends to be palliative, and designed to make the patient as comfortable as possible.

It is essential, therefore, that people that have a history of contact with asbestos inform their physician immediately to make sure that if the symptoms do occur, they are spotted before any lasting harm can be done. Only then will there be a hope of a cure and successful recovery from this insidious disease.